Happy Birthday Marilyn

Happy Birthday Marilyn

DSCN1709Before the night is over I would like to pay tribute to one of my idols, Marilyn Monroe. Born Norma Jeane Mortensen, she was the classic story of a little girl with nothing who became a star. Before she was America’s number one sex symbol, she was bounced around in foster homes, sexually abused more than once, and struggled to make a living.

Even after her acting and modeling career reached its high points, she still struggled with marriages, fame, and, just the feeling of being loved and loving in return. Some people to this day see her as nothing more than a beautiful women who tragically overdosed on drugs. But, to others like me, she was a worthy icon for all different kinds of women. From the amazing quotes that she left behind, to the beautiful photographs that showed us we all don’t have to be a size zero to be beautiful, she made a huge impact on the world before her untimely departure.

What I admire about Marilyn Monroe is that she was determined. She wanted to be an actor and a model so she worked her ass off for it. She owned the body that God gave her. She was not a typical sized model and she never showed any shame in her curves. She did it all on her own. With multiple husbands, an unstable home, and countless prescriptions she still managed to stay focused on what she wanted and she didn’t let anyone stand in her way. For all of those things and more, I have great respect for Marilyn Monroe. RIP and Happy Birthday beautiful.


The wall in my room has pictures of Marilyn, as well as a quote that says “You are stronger than you seem, Braver than you believe, and Smarter than you think you are.”


These are my books about her and my movies that either have her in them or are about her life.


The tattoo on my back was my second one and it is a Marilyn Monroe quote that says, “Imperfection is beauty Madness is genius”


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