Relay for Life Ann Arbor

Relay for Life Ann Arbor

Yesterday I had the pleasure of participating in the Relay for Life of Ann Arbor. It took place at Washtenaw Community College. If you are not familiar with Relay for Life, it is a 24-hour walk where money is raised for the American Cancer Society. People put up booths and sell things or provide various games and services for donations. I participated through my job, Victoria’s Secret of Briarwood Mall.

We had t-shirts, food, a campfire, and the joy of getting to know each other better outside of work while fighting for an amazing cause. We raised around $500 by having snacks for donations out during our work days, just regular employee donations, taking back bottles, and having other incentives during work to donate such as putting a dollar in the jar and getting to wear a colorful pair of shoes with your all-black dress code at work.

The relay itself was so much fun! We ate (too much), played volleyball, jumped in a moon bounce, had glow sticks for the luminary walk, made smores, and just goofed around. I have participated in many Relay for Life’s before and it is always a good experience. I walk in remembrance of my Papa who died from Lymphoma when I was a sophomore in high school. My team as a whole also walked for our good friend and coworker, Krisha, who has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. We are praying for you everyday and we love you! If you know someone who has faught or is still fighting the battle against cancer then comment their name below and they will be in my prayers.

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xoxo, Kayla


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