How To Create A Vision Board That Actually Inspires You

How To Create A Vision Board That Actually Inspires You

We’re one week into the new year and unsurprisingly, it seems 2021 has picked up right where 2020 left off. Maybe it’s because I’m an optimist, but I still have hope that this year will be better. I’m usually not big on “New Years Resolutions” because let’s face it, we stick to them for a few weeks and then we gradually stop doing them. But, I do think there is value in setting intentions and figuring out what you want your year to look like. So instead of coming up with a handful of vague resolutions, I try to do three things to help me prepare for the year ahead:

  • I create an annual bucket list around my birthday of specific, realistic goals and experiences I would like to make happen and check them off throughout the year.
  • I work on a content plan and figure out what areas I can grow and change within my business.
  • And I make a physical vision board.

I’m still working on my content plan and the bucket list will come closer to my birthday, but for this post, I want to share my vision board with you guys and how I went about creating it.

Choosing a theme for the year

This year was the first time I decided to focus on a keyword or theme. I’ve seen other bloggers do this, like Austen Tosone and The Curvy Fashionista, and I decided to give it a try. My 2021 theme is: GROWTH.

I chose this word because I feel like during the last couple years I put a lot of projects in motion for my business ā€” my merch shop, newsletter, Pinterest strategy, etc. ā€” and now I really want to focus on growing my Instagram followers and blog traffic. In addition to that, there are also ways I want to grow personally. I really want to grow mentally by working on my anxiety through self-care. And also physically by finding a fitness schedule that works for me. Finally, I want to grow financially by increasing my side hustle income.

How to plan your vision board

For the last couple years I’ve joined my good friend Julia and a few other friends for a little vision board party. It can definitely be fun to do with others so you can all encourage each other and make it a fun, memorable moment. But, it’s also totally fine to do alone if you don’t really want to share your vision with others. There is no right or wrong way, as long as you’re in a good mindset.

These are the steps I took to get my vision board ready:

  1. Jot down the theme (growth) and a few areas/topics I would like to focus on this year. My areas of focus often stay the same year to year, they are: my blog & career, travel, health (physical and mental), and faith.
  2. Create a private Pinterest board and start finding images related to my goals. This is much more personal and intentional than just digging through magazines for cute images. For example, I would like to travel to Washington D.C. during cherry blossom season this year, so I find a picture of that. Reading more books this year is part of me growing mentally, so I search for a photo of books that’s appealing to me.
  3. Take all of the photos from the Pinterest board and save them in a document. Then, print them off yourself or send them to a printer.
  4. Run to Michael’s (or any local craft store) to gather supplies. I like to find pretty scrapbook paper that fits my personal aesthetic (usually there’s glitter and animal print involved lol) and use it to cover the canvas. I’ll also pick up a bunch of stickers and basic things like markers, scissors, glue, etc.
  5. Then, we all get together in one location and get to work! Usually with snacks around. Last year, we had mimosas and donuts.

How To Create A Vision Board that inspires you

I like to put my theme right in the center and put the year somewhere at the top of the board. Like I mentioned above, I use scrapbook paper to cover my canvas. This kind of helps me divide the board into sections. I sort all of my photos into my focus areas and start arranging them on the board before I glue anything down. Having some organization to it will help you remember your areas of focus and see them at a glance.

After picking out paper, stickers, and photos that speak directly to you and your goals, it should feel personal. You can even add in your own photos and handwriting or doodles. To me, that’s the key of an inspirational vision board. It has to feel personal and reflect exactly what you want to make happen.

Once your vision board is complete and you feel good about it, hang it up! If it’s not visible, you’ll forget all about it. Since I’m in Michigan at my parents, I’m hanging it in my room here. But, I also took a photo of it so I have it on my phone.

When should you make a vision board?

Lastly, I just wanted to touch on the fact that it’s not too late to make a vision board just because it’s not the first of the month anymore! I made mine towards the end of December, but realistically you can make one ANY time of year. There are no start and end dates to when we can make goals and achieve our dreams. If you do want to create yours with the new year in mind, like I did, you could just give yourself a deadline of “by the end of January.” Or shoot, just get started on it today! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself ā€” just have fun with it!

Were these tips helpful for you?
What do you do to prep for a new year?


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