Recap <3
So I’m pretty sure almost every fashionista has read #GIRLBOSS by now, but if you haven’t then you need to! Sophia Amoruso, founder of Nasty Gal, tells readers how she got to wear she is today… from stealing and hitchhiking to owning an international style source, foundation, and brand. However, this isn’t just a biography, it incorporates a lot of advice and insight on what a #GIRLBOSS should know before she enters the professional world. Even if you’re not a fashion fanatic, I think that this book has a lot to offer, including entertainment, tips, and motivation. Amoruso also includes “portraits of a #GIRLBOSS” after every chapter so you can get a little advice from other professionals as well. If you set aside time to read it then you could probably knock it out in a couple days. It’s a fun read and even if you don’t agree with everything, you’re sure to get a giggle or some inspiration out of it.
Favorite Quotes <3
“Unless you’re powered by an ungodly amount of spite, it’s pretty impossible to succeed while doing something that you genuinely hate.” (pg. 62)
“The straight and narrow is not the only path to success.” (pg. 76)
“When you treat your possessions as emblems of your hard work, they inherit a meaning the transcends the objects themselves.” (pg. 99)
“Money looks better in the bank than on your feet.” (pg. 100-101)
“Treat your thoughts like your dollar bills: don’t waste ’em.” (pg. 125)
“Focus on the positive things in your life and you’ll be shocked at how many more positive things start happening.” (pg. 129)
“I stopped feeling as if I didn’t belong anywhere and realized that I belonged anywhere I wanted to be-” (pg. 141)
Clutch: H&M // Necklace: Vintage
If you’ve read it then I would love to hear what you thought!
xoxo, Kayla
i need to read this!!
Yes, you definitely should! 🙂