Red Wings Hockey Game at the Joe Louis Arena

Red Wings Hockey Game at the Joe Louis Arena

A little over a week ago, I went to my very first hockey game. It was the Detroit Red Wings vs the Seattle Seahawks. I was super excited, but sadly I had no one to go with. I decided to go anyone because it was a business field trip so some of my classmates would be there. Unfortunately, it was a disaster. If you have never been to Downtown Detroit, it’s like any other large, urban, downtown area… really confusing. So even though I grew up 15 minutes outside of the city, I definitely don’t claim to be too great at navigating it. I found the Joe Louis Arena just fine, but I parked in the wrong parking structure and then got lost on foot (which is much worse than being lost in a car). I went back to my car and moved it to the correct structure, but by then I was 30 minutes late for the presentation before the game. After I finally got from my car to inside the arena, I got lost again. No one knew where my group was! It was a group of 100 college students getting a presentation and no one could tell me where to find them until the fourth or fifth person I asked finally called someone that knew. When I found my group, I thought it would be better. Nope. I couldn’t even hear the speakers because we were sitting in the huge arena as a zamboni was preparing the ice for the game. After the presentaion, there was an hour before the game and I didn’t see any other students I knew. I sat there alone for a few in the arena, got some free food, and then after all of that, I left. I didn’t even watch the game. I also couldn’t find my car in the parking structure for like an hour after I left the arena. I wouldn’t exactly check watching a Red Wings Game off of my bucket list after that experience, but I am determined to try again one day! It was definitely a learning experience about going on adventures alone. It was a really bad day, but it’s still a good life <3

Much Love, Kayla


P.S. At least I still got some cool pictures!


I got a free Christmas ornament!






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