DIY Valentine Gift Ideas

DIY Valentine Gift Ideas

Although Valentine’s Day is over, I still wanted to share two cute little projects that I did. The first one was perfect for all of my friends and the second one was for my boyfriend. They were super easy, inexpensive and a lot of fun. You can do either of these projects anytime of the year and I’m sure it will make your loved ones smile.

Chocolate Popcorn Jars

I got this project idea from Bethany Mota’s YouTue channel. I love her videos and I definitly recommend checking them out. Here is what you will need:

  • Plain popcorn
  • Chocolate melts (I used pink, red and white)
  • M&M’s (I used Valentine’s Day ones)
  • Sprinkles
  • Mason jars
  • Craft supplies for decorations (design tape, stickers, ribbon, etc.)


  1. Pop all of your popcorn and dump it into a large cookie pan.
  2. Put your chocolate melts into bowls and heat them up in the microwave until they melt.
  3. Immediately after the chocolate melted, stir it and drizzle it all over the popcorn.
  4. Before the chocolate hardens, add the M&M’s and sprinkles so they will stick to the popcorn.
  5. To make it harden faster, you can put the pan into the fridge.
  6. Decorate your mason jars however you please. (:
  7. When the chocolate is hardened over the popcorn, you can pour it into the mason jars and give them out as little gifts!


Moments Journal

I actually came up with this idea on my own. If you are on a budget, but you want to do something sweet for your significant other than this is sure to touch their heart. Here is what you need:

  • A blank notebook
  • Sharpies or gel pens
  • Photos
  • Stickers


  1. On the first page of the notebook, create a title and a “to and from” page
  2. On the second page, make a key. My key was: Red = song lyrics and quotes that make me think about you, Orange = a memory we share, Blue = something for us to do in the future, Purple = random things I love about you
  3. Then, just fill the pages with your moments using the key as a color guide.
  4. Finally, decorate the book with stickers and pictures! If the cover of your notebook is plain, decorate that as well.


Let me know what you think!

xoxo, Kayla


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