Happy MLK Day of Service! Although it has been so nice to have a long weekend, especially since my birthday was yesterday, we can sometimes forget what the reason behind this long weekend actually is. I know I don’t have to tell you what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did for the community, the country, and the world. However, I do want to remind you of the impact that one human can make. He was a regular man who had struggles and flaws, but that didn’t stop him from improving the lives of Black Americans, as well as opening the hearts of many, many people regardless of their race.
This one simple reminder is something I have to tell myself too. We are all busy people with jobs, families, hobbies, etc. and it’s so easy to only focus on ourselves and our own problems. But, when we take just a little bit of our time to lend a friend a hand, be a mentor, give meaningful advice, plant a tree, clean a park, walk for a cause, it can truly make a difference. Not to mention how great you will feel about it afterwards.
Painting Murals In The South Bronx
Today, on this holiday that is meant to be dedicated to service, my best friend Kailena and I woke up at 7:30 a.m. and traveled to the South Bronx to paint murals that are meant to inspire the kids that attend JHS 123 James M. Kiernan. The program was put on by City Year, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping students and schools succeed. I found out about the opportunity through my job at NBC Universal.

Now, I just want to make clear that me sharing this one morning of volunteering is in no way meant to look down on anyone or pass judgment on anyone who spent their day off cuddled up under the covers. I definitely do not blame you! I will not lie and say it was easy for me to spring out of bed this morning. I wanted to make this post as reminder that we can always make a difference in the most unexpected ways.
While I was painting today I was so worried that it didn’t look good (I haven’t painted much in the past). But, when the teachers who work at the school walked around, they complimented us and thanked us so sincerely that my heart just soared. They said, “The kids will really love this.” I felt so accomplished and happy that this one small thing that I did on a Monday morning has the potential to brighten a kid’s day and maybe even inspire them. And if nothing else, it will show these kids that people care about them and their school.
Here are a few easy ways to get involved in your community
- Sign up for your school or job’s community service program or list serve. Most companies offer opportunities like this. Even when I worked at Victoria’s Secret in college, I got to participate in Relay for Life through my job.
- What is one cause/organization that you really care about? Do they have an email list, Facebook page, Instagram? Follow them and engage. This can help you be on the lookout for ways to get more involved with them.
- Become a mentor. Whether it’s a younger family member, a freshman with the same major as you, or a newbie at your job, some of my favorite volunteer work in the past has been being a mentor and a pen pal to younger students.
- Donate. If you have the money to spare or even just clothes and shoes you don’t wear, donating to nonprofits is always helpful and it’s super easy! I donate clothes a couple times a year when I clean out my closet.
- Get out the house and do something. Of course this one is obvious, but it’s also the hardest because it requires time and some level of commitment. Whether you want to hit up an animal shelter, a homeless shelter, or a school, there are always places and people that need our help. It just takes a little bit of local research and setting aside the time.

I hope you’re all feeling pumped and ready to help your communities this year! And I hope you enjoy your day off.
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'”
—Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
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What a great reminder! If we all did even just one little thing the world would be a much better place.
Ps- happy birthday
Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate it (: