The Dove Self-Esteem Project

The Dove Self-Esteem Project
This is a sponsored campaign made in partnership with Dove.

Recently, I was able to work with my good friend Leah V on one of my biggest brand campaigns yet. And I’m really excited about it because not only did I get to do it with my creative mentor and bestie, but it was also about a topic that fits so perfectly with my personal brand and what’s important to me. We partnered with Dove to host a virtual slumber party in honor of the Dove Self-Esteem Project. And during which, we watched their Reverse Selfie video.

The pressures that social media and editing apps put on us to distort our faces, bodies, and entire lives is real. And I would be lying if I said I didn’t fall into that trap as well. It’s important to love ourselves in our most natural, raw, and honest version of ourselves — but it is not easy. Especially as technology has advanced and beauty standards have become more and more unobtainable. We are constantly bombarded with images of seemingly perfect skin, unrealistic bodies, flawless makeup, and expensive outfits that we feel we need in order to be desirable — or even just good enough.

Even as someone who constantly encourages others to live their best life fully, confidently, and unapologetically, there have still been countless times I have preferred using a Snapchat filter to hide “imperfections” or blurred a blemish out of a photo before hitting post. And although it’s hard for us to talk about, it’s also very important that we do. Because if we, as adult women, are being effected by these things, then it’s fair to assume that our young girls are being effected even more so. And the pressure only seems to get worse with each generation.

Photos taken by @capturedbyshatimah

So what can we do? Just be more open and honest about these topics. Photo editing, filters, makeup, etc. can be fun and creative tools, I’m definitely not saying we should ban it all. But, we also need to be more honest about the enhancements we’re making to our public image — not just with our audiences and communities, but with ourselves. And I think this Dove campaign was a really powerful way to get the conversation started.

Have #TheSelfieTalk with a girl you love today. You never know how much saying, “You’re beautiful, just the way you are,” can impact someone.

And check out Leah’s post on the project:

What are your thoughts on the video?
Is this a struggle you’ve faced as well?

This is a sponsored campaign made in partnership with Dove.

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