Highlights of 2018

Highlights of 2018

We’re officially heading into 2019 and I can hardly believe it! I actually had a pretty great year. There were so many wonderful moments and opportunities that arose during 2018 and I am beyond grateful for this past year of growth. I got a new job, a new apartment, and did so many fun things! I am super excited to see what 2019 has in store!

Here are some of my favorite milestones and memories from 2018!

Turning 24 in NYC

In January, I turned 24 and had an amazing birthday. My friends and I had a photoshoot, brunch, and went to the NYC Wax Museum. It was probably one of my favorite birthdays ever and I’m so excited to plan my next one in just a couple weeks!

Me & My Best Friend Got an Apartment

My best friend Kailena and I finally put our names on a lease and got a two bedroom apartment in Queens! It’s small, but not a bad price and in a really convenient location for our jobs. It’s so nice to feel at home and comfortable in NYC.

My First Salary Job in Journalism

After struggling for nearly nine months, my internship finally turned into a real full-time salary position as a lifestyle reporter. I had a great time writing stories and making videos every day. However, the company got bought a few months after I was hired and a lot of my friends got laid off. Although I survived the layoffs (praise the Lord!), things at the new company were a little stressful and I eventually found a new job. But, I’ll always be grateful for all of the experiences and relationships I gained while working there.

New Job at The Today Show

At the end of October I got my second full-time journalism job as an associate commerce editor at Today.com! It has been such a huge step for my career and I really love it. I get to write about all different kinds of products, try to produce revenue for the company, and run the Shop Today Facebook page, which has already taught me so many new skills.

Traveled to Florida (twice) & Houston

Every year I try to travel somewhere that I’ve never been. This year I went to the Tampa Bay area in Florida for the first time and then on a separate trip, I had an amazing vacay in Miami! And for the holidays, I also went to Houston for the second time to visit family (blog post coming soon).

So Many Events & Exhibits

I really kept myself busy this year with tons of exciting exhibits and events. I went to Wonder World, Life Coach, Candytopia, BeautyCon, CurlFest, OMG Dessert Goals, The Met, The FIT Museum, my aunt had an amazing Gatsby themed party in Detroit, and I’m sure there is more I’m forgetting! Needless to say, I had SO much fun all 2018.

Met Some Cool Celebrities

I had the opportunity to meet Paris Hilton and Jonathan Cheban (a.k.a. FoodGod) at BeautyCon. I also got to interview Leann Rimes and I met Hoda Kotb at my work Christmas party. So those have definitely been some pretty cool experiences!

Growing Kayla’s Chaos & Starting YouTube

This year I finally took the plunge and started my YouTube channel! Make sure you subscribe! I was really nervous to start, but I’m actually loving it! It’s a lot of fun and a whole new creative outlet. I also did an H&M x Moschino giveaway this year, I collaborated with some new brands and diversified my content a lot! I got into Pinterest and am working on growing all of my social following. I’m so excited to work on creating a more consistent posting schedule in 2019.

Cheers to 2019!

What was your biggest moment of 2018?

xoxo, Kayla


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